Thursday, January 31

A week in Engerland

So far so good!

Have had a good week of relaxing with some training..well yeah some... done too. Got over sat night after the Tri coaching day and pretty much went straight to bed. Sunday was a dedicated rest day. Got up about 11am and started to eat. About 2 ish decided probably should stop eating food and head into town to get some more food! Walked down to the local village, bout half hour away, did some shopping and walked back. Pauline had a load of friends over so i help cook for her. BIG amounts of food later and we all sat down and watched Top Gear for two hours. One of the lads remarked that it was like christmas dinner cause he was so full. unfortunately my baked Alaska didn't quite turn out like i had hoped.

Monday was a mixed day, had some work to do, and some faffing to do too. Did some work for my FYP and a bit for the varsities. Was going to go to Decathlon with Odile but much faffing on her part, and coffee on my part meant that we didn't go. Went to see Sweeney Todd that evening. Class pure class. Very good film, very entertaining.

Tuesday morning was training. 8am wake up call. Urgh way too early. Food. Packed, 15km cycle too the velodrome. BBRRRR cold. Planned on doing a nice easy session with the Vets and B's. Session turned out to be a little easier than i thought it would be. Long warm-up, then a few dedicated sessions, most of them fairly steady state with one or two sessions aimed at sprints. Most of the sprints were pretty feeble to say the least but thats what happens! Fun session though. Was still wrecked afterwards! Then the ever fun 15km cycle back. Tired after, and cold, its much much colder over here! Went into town after lunch for something too do and to look for a copy of 22o tri magazine. Ended up wandering around doing very little, got a coffee in the Arndale Centre (huge shopping centre), couldn't find 220, but did find a little gaming shop.

One of my other things that i like other than sport, is gaming. Either computer, board or ocasionally card games. I've been gaming since i was a kid. I like it, its something to distract myself when im not training and that alows me to recover a good bit at the same time. Picked up some new games and plan to play them with some mates at the weekend! Got a random game called Killer Bunnies that Pauline saw, i was a little dubious about a bright game that involved bunnies, but its one of the best and simplist games i've played.

Anyway, my anlke is still sore so i've not been running. Missed a swim session this morning cause i was being a lazy git and stayed in bed. I have no excuse, but the bed was warm, and its cold outside! Heading out for dinner tonight, then tomorrow is a last random day no idea what i'm going to get up too. Session on tonight at the velodrom, but i doubt i'll be back from dinner in time. Might go for a session in the 50m pool tomorrow, see what happen's. Flying home at 10 ish tomorrow, perhaps with Mikes new TT bike if the airport allow me!

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