Wednesday, March 26


Man I've had a few hours of thinking in my head over the last day. Mostly it has been to do with the summer of pain that I'm about to bring on myself!

So a couple of things have happened over the past few day's to make me think about things. One thing is a job, sure i have my ISC job, but i will need another one. Two was about where im going to live. Three was about what exactly i was going to do after the big day.

So most nearly all have been solved.

One: I have a job with Irish Tag Rugby more or less sorted. Starting in May i will be a ref idea what that is, but it sounds good :) Wages and so on to be worked out this week!

Two: Had a chat with the old man, he knows i'm up and outa here when i can afford it and when i sort out the masters/job

Three: OK. Long and short of it. Track is a big one this summer, but i also want to go back to my reason for cycling. Mountains. I've been looking at a few BIG races and i've picked out a nice few MTB marathons and a nice 7 day Trans-Wales race. All still in planning stages. But it think they are go nam.

Also I've decided i'm going to do Xterra UK this year. Its a little ahead of plan, but i reckon i'm good for it.

on another note :

Possibly one of the most inspirational video's ive seen on youtube. Not a tri film, but just gets me going! I want to go to Dakar, i may not race there, but i want to go see it.

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